Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Palin Doctrine

Governor Palin gave her third speech in as many days Monday night in Lakewood, Colorado. Held at the Special Events Center of the Colorado Christian University, she spoke to Military families in a speech titled "Tribute To The Troops." It was another amazing, moving, and heartfelt address, this time Governor Palin outlined the 'Palin Doctrine." It was a solid discourse and a glimpse into a potential Palin presidency. Here is a brief outline of the main parts of her message. We are so in need of her leadership! ~ teledude

Listen here for her whole speech.

"The Soldier fights not because he hates what's in front of him. But because he loves those and what's behind him!"....G.K. Chesterton

I believe our criteria before we send our young men and women, America’s finest, into harm’s way, I believe that our criteria should be spelled out clearly when it comes to the use of our military force. I can tell you what I believe that criteria should be. I can tell you what it should be in five points:

1. We should only commit our forces when clear and vital American interest are at stake.

2. IF we have to fight, we fight to win. We use overwhelming force, we only send in our troop into war with the objective to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible: We do not send in our military to stretch out the mission with an open-ended and ill-defined mission. NATION BUILDING is a nice idea in theory but it is not the main purpose of our Arm Forces, we use our military to win wars.

3. We must have clearly defined objectives before sending our troops in harms way: If you can't explain the mission to the American people clearly and concisely, then our Sons and Daughters should not be sent into battle. PERIOD.

4. American soldiers must NEVER be put under foreign command: We can fight side by side with our allies, but American soldiers must remain under the care and command of the American officer.

5. Sending out our Armed Forces should be our last resort: We don't go looking for dragons to slay, however we will encourage the forces of freedom around the world who are sincerely fighting for the empowerment of the individual. When it makes sense and it is appropriate, we will provide them with support to help them win their own freedom....But we can't fight every war, we can't undue every injustice around the World.

Palin: The Stronger we are the more peaceful the World will be under our example....We must vigorously defend ourselves but at the same time not wear down our arm forces with never-ending and ever increasing commitments. I believe that America though, must never retreat into isolation, the World will be less safe and less free without our leadership and we must never forget that America has a responsibility to lead "TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS EXPECTED".

We can not be the World's policeman, granted or a door of an ATM but we can lead by example, by our words and if necessary by our actions.....We need leaders that embodies the same standard that our men and women in uniform hold themselves...Remember, the true soldier fights for it is behind him. Behind him here is tradition, patriotism and it---it is not a need for a fundamental transformation of America but a renewal for ALL THAT IS GOOD ABOUT AMERICA


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  6. Well, the groupthink morons are out in force today. They must have gotten their marching orders from Organizing for America.

    Sad, there isn't an original thought among them, but they can spread bile and venom. If they only knew it says nothing about Governor Palin but tells us everything about them.

    I can almost smell the fear.

    Because they know.

    She is inevitable.

    ~ teledude

  7. Wow! Just like Sarah. Sarah doesn't allow dissenting views on her Facebook page either. What are you people afraid of?

    "Saying that President Obama wasn't responsible for the death of Osama bin Laden because he didn't fire the gun is like saying that Osama bin Laden wasn't responsible for 9/11 because he didn't fly the planes." - Based on a quote attributed to a Huff Post blogger

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  10. No problem with dissenting views, but insults and incivility will be deleted.

    Your quote about the responsibility for Osama's death might be interesting but it is a non sequitur on this site.

    I haven't said that and neither has Governor Palin, in fact she gave President Obama credit for his actions in her speech last night in Colorado.

    Perhaps you are misinformed about this.

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  12. I like the way you shut their dirty mouth off, keep it up and keep it going. You are doing a great job.
